We talked about a lot of things about what google play is doing. Introduction Android Games Development – Android Developers. I’ll put on my google play hat. We mentioned that in the last 12 months, more android users installing Android Games double that last year, and 40% of that growth is coming from these emerging markets, such as Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Mexico. We acknowledge that because almost half of the mobile gamers are there any women we have taken the initiative to celebrate? And empower women as players and creators.

We did a lot of things inside the store really improving the way people find Android Games. We’ve improved search in the game with privatization, such as your search optimization see left and right recommendations. Good! That’s because I’m running a dave version. I swear, funny. This is what happens when you have to run an unstable version of chrome. All right. I don’t know what’s going to happen there.

Introduction Android Games Development

Introduction Android Games Development

That was great. That’s why live presentations are really fun. I’m going to try to kill everything it doesn’t matter. And I’m hoping it doesn’t happen again. But, if that happens, we will roll with it. All right, let’s go back. I thought it would be cool! I did this on my Chromebook last year running the latest version, but it’s just, uh – all right. Let me remove it and start again. Where was I I was talking about google play, I remember.

Audience: you said it’s a better search. Dan Galpin: yeah, better looking. We had – let me try again. It is amazing. Thank you all. And this – real fun maybe next time really– oh no! Now that’s all – is it reversed? All right, all right. Audience: do you want to go into it? Dan Galpin: yeah, maybe I should too. Joe, why don’t you put it on the laptop? We will switch again. Give me two seconds here. Speaker 1: yes, sure dan Galpin: all right. We can make a switch in between. If it crashes again, then I’m going to switch it on. This does not happen on the release version.